Well, yesterday was a hard day for me...our minister recently left (on good terms, but looking for new challenges), the weather was gloomy, my children will not be home for Christmas, and I had too much work to do.
I managed to do a little bit of work, decorated the tree (by myself), finished knitting two caps, went to a very short meeting last night (only 1 hour - yay!), and actually transcribed the minutes last night after the meeting. Even watched half of Survivor Guatemala (which is almost over, and I haven't been following because of my excessive Thursday night meetings). While I was gone, Ken took Roger shopping and put up Christmas lights outside on both houses.
Slept 7 hours with my "machine" last night, and woke up this morning with a totally different attitude. Don't know if it's the machine or the Christmas spirit finally kicking in. Walked with Grandma for 45 minutes today, and just went grocery shopping. I'm planning to make cookies later (chocolate chip and sugar cookies - with icing yet) for a funeral tomorrow, and for a Christmas party at church tomorrow evening.
Also need to do laundry...maybe lower the price of the rolltop (it's down to $100 now - still no interest whatsoever from Craigslist customers).
Hope your day is going as well!