My brother-in-law and his wife have recently separated and moved out of their house to sell it. Right now the wife and kids are living with us in our 3-bedroom, 1800 s.f. home. It hasn't been as bad as you might think...we drafted an agreement between all parties about chores, curfew, etc. It has been great! Becauise we have chore assignments my house has never been cleaner, and because I can't live a cluttered life and expect them to pick up after themselves, it stays mostly clean. (And my nephew's comment was, "Someone finally taught my family how to keep a house clean!" I quickly explained it was definitely a joint effort, and something new for me as well.)
They were also selling a lot of furniture, so we bought this entertainment center from them:

Here's what our old one was like:
Here are my knickknacks, safely behind glass, so they need little dusting:

Lastly, just so you know it's still me, here's some things that aren't so great:
My knitting...I bought all sorts of needles and yarn, etc a few years back, and now hardly use them, but I hate to throw or give them away, because I still like knitting.
This coffee table was one of the first nice pieces of furniture that we owned...you can maybe see the chip in the glass (lower right corner of the glass, and taped to cover sharp edges - we had already paid to replace the glass once.