Wednesday, July 26, 2006

A productive day - I'm tired!

Today: I drove our new international student to Pleasant Hill, from there to the chiropractor, then to the grocery store and then to work. Worked for four hours, came home, worked very briefly on minutes, ran the dishwasher and did 2 loads of laundry, planned and prepared dinner (a yummy chicken/pasta/tomato/brocolli casserole), cleaned out one refrigerator, sold it for $40, received a newer used fridge, cleaned it up, transferred all our foodstuffs into the new one, and unloaded, loaded and re-ran the dishwasher. Whew!

On top of all that, my son finally found his missing keys (buried in the depths of our swivel rocker) and I found the missing PDA keyboard (in the glove compartment of my husband's car).

I'm pleased with myself (can you tell?), but I'm also verrry tired. Think I'll go to bed before midnight for the first time this week. (My adult children are in the living room watching a movie.)

Father God, thank you for helping me to accomplish so much. Please be with my friend Becky tomorrow as she undergoes surgery. Give her peace tonight and assurance that you will be with the doctors as they operate. Also be with her husband and help him to trust in you. In Jesus' name, Amen.


Sarah said...

What a day! I had one like that today, and I still get to make a cake and drive to Cedar Park tonight.

Cindy Lee said...

I stumbled across your blog today and enjoyed reading it! be blessed, I'll check back soon! Cindy Lee