Saturday, February 11, 2006


Last night I watched some tv, did some knitting, enjoyed time with my family, and then from 10:00 until 10:45, I worked on my minutes. (I actually had all afternoon when I could've been working on them but I found other things to do.)

Anyway, the minister's wife had emailed me his Powerpoint for Sunday, so that I could merge it with the song slides. I didn't do it last night, figured on doing it today. I woke up at 6:30, since that's when our cats think they need to eat, and my hubby was up anyway since today is a workday at the building. I groaned something about a headache, and he said, "Is there anything I can do?" I said yes, you can fix oatmeal for breakfast. I rolled over and went back to sleep, woke up an hour later, and said, "Oh, no! I didn't do the Powerpoint yet! Why didn't you remind me?" (Hubby murmured sympathetic, but nonspecific words of reassurance.)

I jumped out of bed, and started feverishly getting ready for the day. After thinking a few minutes, I said, "Why did I tell you to cook oatmeal?" He said, "Because it's good for you?" I was thinking, "but we almost always have pancakes on Sunday." And in that split second, I realized it wasn't Sunday yet, and I didn't need to panic about the Powerpoint.

Since I was fully awake by this time (adrenaline will do that for you), I went grocery shopping (plenty of parking, no lines at the checkout) at 7:45 on a Saturday morning. And now I feel like I have an extra day. Perspective is everything. (Except in my excitement, I forgot about walking with Grandma. Gotta go!)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I am always doing things like that.

Glad it was a day earlier and not a day later!