Monday, September 12, 2005

Ah ha!

I admit it - when Sarah first suggested I do this (webjournal) I didn't understand the purpose. But after the day I've had (and it's still early afternoon), now I do.

First, my doctor told me last week I need to lose weight. Big surprise there...his point was that some of my continuing health problems and aches and pain may be improved if I lost the weight. He even suggested gastric bypass surgery...but his main point was Weight Watchers. So, I'm trying w/o weight watchers to restrict what I eat to healthy, more nutritional choices. A real challenge when there are Snickers candy bars in the building where you work! But I did it...I avoided the candy bars for today. (Yay me!) Still have the second half of the day to go, but I only work in the mornings. It's so much harder than I remembered to restrict my eating. I want to eat what I want to eat when I want to eat it! But I need to be strong, if only to avoid another scolding from the doctor on Thursday. (I know my motivation should come from within rather than trying to please the doc, but I'm not there yet.)

Number 2, just so you know, Madalyn Murray O'Hair is no longer living. There is no threat to Christian radio or television programming through the FCC. That's all I'll say about it, but there's much more that could be said. See this site for more info:

Anyway, Sarah is right. I feel better having posted. I hope in time that my posts will be less whiny in tone and more encouraging. Maybe as God changes me, you'll see a difference. Some good books on surrender (a recurrent theme for me this year) are Beyond Ourselves by Catherine Marshall, Captivating by John & Stasi Eldredge (I think I got their names right...too settled/lazy to go find the book and verify it), and Joe Beam's books, Seeing the Unseen and Getting Past Guilt. I'm sure there are many more...surrender is such a big topic after all.


Sarah said...

Yes- I liked Seeing the Unseen too.

We currently have 2 kinds of ice cream, cookies, and cake mix in our house. Very tempting...

Amy said...

Hello there. I just wanted to pop in and thank you for reminding me that it was Sarah's birthday. Even though I only wished her birthday greetings in passing, at least I did, and I have you to thank.